Photography Challenge Winner

Back in May, I created a photo challenge in order to give back to my community. On one hand, it was to provide an escape and inspiration for others to be creative, on the other, it was to raise money for charity (I pledged to donate $$ for every complete entry). It was super difficult to pick a winner from all the entries I received. Art is so subjective and everyone did such an amazing job, so it was no easy task. I truly enjoyed looking through all the submissions. However, I had to choose a winner, so choose a winner I did.

Photography Challenge for All

Often when our minds are reeling with an overload of emotions, the last thing we feel like doing is, well, anything at all. Who hasn’t been there in the last few, heck, bajillion weeks of ‘social isolation’ (sounds like an oxymoron if you ask me)? Yet these are the times when tapping into our creativity can help us more than we can imagine. Art may not fix things, but it sure can help us cope (or at the very least, provide a diversion). As such, I’ve put together a photo challenge for everyone – regardless of age, camera, or skill level. Hope you have fun with this!