’tis the season… to start a new tradition!

It’s official! The holiday season is upon us! And from the looks of it, it’s going to be another sad and lonely holiday, with many traditions and celebrations we know and love unable to go on as before. So why not start some new traditions? Need some ideas? Look no further! Have some to add? Please share in the comments!

1. Buy a special holiday coloring book. Try to find one of those BIG ones! And one that tells a story so you can read it each year. Color one page/spread each year as a family. Now, I don’t care how old you all are – coloring is therapeutic! I think there’s research on this, though I’m not 100% positive. Use crayons, cray pas, glitter, paint, markers, pieces of construction paper as a mosaic, all of the above — get creative! When you’re done, have everyone sign and put the year somewhere on the page/spread! Twenty years from now, this coloring book will be so much fun to look back through. Pinky promise.

2. Go christmas caroling! Not once have I had carolers stop by my house, but I think it would be SO FREAKING COOL!! I don’t even personally celebrate Christmas, but I know all the songs. I’ve wanted to take my kiddos for years now, but this is the year! And I’m gonna rope some friends along too! Definitely good, clean, doable fun with friends during a pandemic! Who’s with me?? Who’s gonna come to my house?!

3. In lieu of a holiday party, organize a progressive dinner in your neighborhood. Too many kids to make that feasible as a couples event? Take turns! One weekend, the ladies go out and their spouses serve them an appetizer and drink on decks, patios, next to bonfires… BYOB (bring your own blanket) – get creative! The next weekend, it’s the guys turn for a fun night out!

4. Spend a night dedicated to looking through old photo albums. Or, if you’re not that organized, dedicate a night to putting one together! December is a great time to compile all your photos from all your devices, look back at all the memories you’ve captured from the year, laugh and cry, and select your favorites to put into a family yearbook. If you need any help once you’ve whittled it down to your favorites, I offer family yearbook design service.

5. Pretend you’re holiday pirates and bury some treasure for other to have fun finding! Have your kids choose a trinket or two they are ready to part with. Put it in a container to protect it from the elements and help them bury it somewhere public. Have them draw a map and mark out where it’s hidden. Leave it lying around OR post it on your town’s facebook page.

6. Find a way to give back. We always count out the change we’ve collected for the year during this season. Then we let the kids pick a charity to donate it to. If they’re really little give them a few options: Do you want to help feed the hungry? Clean up the oceans? Work toward a cure for cancer, etc…? This year, as we countdown toward the holiday, I’m also going to have the kids find something to donate each day: maybe a toy, some clothes, some food, unused toiletries…

7. Have a cookie decorating party. Make cut out cookies in all different festive shapes, make frostings in multiple colors, go crazy with the sprinkles and piping. Let family and friends join in via zoom. Chat and share your creations. Too many to eat yourself? Package some up to leave on your neighbors porch!

Hope these inspire you to start a new tradition or two with your family! If you’d like me to help document some of your favorite holiday traditions, please reach out (and, as I don’t celebrate Christmas, I’m always available for both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 😉)!

Hoping for a healthy and happy holiday season for all.

xoxo Anna


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