Worried about scheduling your very first full day-in-the-life? Don’t be! You will get so many photos that celebrate your life. The best part? It will be the easiest and most fun photo session ever. I swear!! The photos will be so REAL; they will transport you back in time over and over again and make you feel all the feels. Spoiler alert: they will definitely make you laugh and quite possibly make you cry. Still hesitant? Following are my top three tips for the BEST documentary family photos EVER.

3. Have fun.

This one should be easy enough. Fill your day with things that your family loves to do. Do things that make you smile and laugh. Be present with your family. Limit your phone time.

2. Be yourself.

Really. You. do. you. Wear what makes you comfortable. Love makeup? Wear it! Hate it? Don’t! Break away if you need — take a power nap, meditate, exercise… run across the counters, read on the playground… relax and do your own thing (and let your kiddos too)!! Photo sessions have never been so easy, so real, or so fun. Promise!

1. Don’t worry.

Seriously. This is the hardest one. Definitely easier said than done. But, believe me, don’t worry!! Your kids are not misbehaved, they are kids. You’re not boring, you’re tired (you have kids). Your house is not messy, it’s lived in. Repeat after me: no one cares but me. Then relax. Everyone has dishes, laundry, and shit. all. over. the. place. all. the. time. On top of that, we are all self-conscious about something. Believe me, with a day-in-the-life, we will get a little of it all (even the crazy) and as always, it will take you right back to these ✨magical ✨ (and trying) times. Promise 😉

So that’s it! Not too hard, right? Have fun, be yourself, and don’t worry!

When you’re ready to finally try it out, remember, I have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you don’t absolutely love your photos, you don’t need to pay a penny! It’s risk-free! Click the envelope in the top or bottom menu to send me an email or text/call me at 914.318.6696 with any questions! xo, Anna