You still here?

Oh good. Me too.

For fear of sounding like a broken record, it’s been a while, it’s been crazy, you know, all the things got in the way, and there are so many things, blah blah blah. But I’m still here! And while my new year’s resolutions usually focus on my personal life (like last year I learned to play the guitar that I’d been dragging around for literally decades without playing, the year before that, I set out to have a year long run streak — running at least a mile every single day — which wound up lasting FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY days!), this year I’ve decided to focus on my business and my art. So, if all goes well, you’ll be seeing a bit more of me and my work this year. My resolution is to put something out there at least once a week. So here I go, jumping back into it! Just like this guy from a full day session I did last summer….

Honestly, the hardest part for me is the writing. I have so many ideas in my head… always; it’s just sitting down to write and put them out into the world, I get so blocked and (happily) allow distractions to lead me astray and down wormholes left and right. But no more! This year, I start anew, with an ultimatum from myself to put myself out there more!

When I took that photo last summer, I loved it, BUT (there’s always a but, isn’t there?), I so wished there was a fish or something in the bottom half. Finally decided to take care of that.

Have you made any new year’s resolutions? If you feel like sharing, let me know in the comments below!

xo, Anna (914.318.6696)

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