Why I won’t sell just digital files, after I swore I wouldn’t be “that” photographer

Before I became a professional photographer, hearing about photographers who wouldn’t give clients their digital files annoyed me. Like, really annoyed me. I remember talking with my friends, “who do they think they are, not giving people the digital files??!!” I swore I’d never hire a photographer like that. Many moons later, when I started my own photography business, I vowed that I would just give my clients the digital files with each session. And I did, for a decent bit, until one fateful day…

I was with a client and they mentioned they had made a photo album with the photos from one of our sessions a few months prior.  I excitedly asked to see it! Once in my hands though, I was floored. It looked pretty bad.  The majority of the photos were cropped so that the main subjects were either partially or even wholly cut off. The pictures that I had artfully and purposefully taken to tell a nice, complete, story were all out of order. The spreads had bright colored backgrounds that didn’t match anything. I couldn’t imagine what had happened. Was this how they wanted it?? 

Not being terribly good about hiding my emotions, and quite possibly muttering something to the effect of, “What the heck happened?!” as I flipped through it, I was somewhat relieved that they seemed equally disappointed. They explained that they didn’t have a lot of time, so they had used the photo wizard function on a popular website to create the album.

My heart sank. It was at that moment I realized I had failed them by just giving them digital files.

Unfortunately it hasn’t always been the case, but now all of my packages include professional print products of your choice, like the customizable linen covered print box pictured here.

It hit me then — the reason why photographers don’t just give away their digital files. Most people simply don’t have the time, skill, and/or resources necessary to finish the photographer’s job and create quality keepsake items.   

That was the day I was thrust into a philosophical conundrum. I couldn’t just keep giving digital files away, but not so long ago, I was preaching the exact opposite!! What’s a girl to do??

Bamboo panel mounted prints are a favorite offering of mine. The edges make for a simple yet sophisticated display on mantles and shelves. And they are perfect for textured papers that won’t get lost underneath glass.

Eventually, I came to the realization that hiring me was like hiring a gourmet chef to take the finest, locally-grown, organic ingredients to prepare the most mouthwatering culinary delights for a lavish dinner party. Only instead of the chef finishing the job and plating the food,  they just left it in the pots and pans and bowls for YOU to plate. Of course you can put food on a plate, who can’t? But will you know how to pair everything together correctly? Will it look as amazing as it should for the cost of everything that went into it? And as the host, do you really have time for that? Isn’t that why you hired a professional in the first place?   

I pride myself on offering album covers that are as unique as your family. Simple covers are always an option, but I will go above and beyond to make your cover one-of-a-kind.

So from here on out, no matter what the session length, when you hire me, you will always walk away with a treasure or two: custom-designed print products, artwork, that tells your family’s story and is crafted using only the finest materials that are designed to last a few lifetimes.

Why? Because I’m a professional… and your every day is worth it!

Life can get messy. Make sure your memories are preserved beautifully.

Now, I don’t want to do a complete 180, so true to my (old) self , I will still give you the digital files for safe keeping, or to make a print or two for family and friends, or whatever your heart desires. 

xo Anna 


Link to blog: Why I won't sell just digital files after I swore I wouldn't be that kind of photographer.


    • Anna

      Thank you! Nice to know I’m not alone 😊 So glad you like the last photo… I’m going to try and start a new trend, the ‘documentary flat lay’ 😂😂 I kid. Totally kidding.

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