Why does it end with the wedding?

I totally get that couples want to document every little part of their wedding day. They want coverage first thing in the morning when they start getting ready into the evening as the celebration picks up. And, of course, every little moment and detail in between.

Why? I think the main thing is that they don’t want to forget a single thing about their wedding day. They want to remember it perfectly, especially as it can be so overwhelming and super easy to not be present for it. It all goes by so fast! Ya know? You know.

What I don’t understand is why it ends there. The wedding is just the beginning of your journey together. Why is it also, overwhelmingly, the last day that people document in its entirety? Of course, I get that it’s a big investment, but if you can make it happen when you’re just starting out together, I bet you could make it happen as your family is growing. It’s just as easy to be overwhelmed and forget everything as a parent as it is as a bride or groom on their wedding day.

Raising a family is sooo much work and utterly exhausting, but they’re some of the very best years of your life. I know you don’t necessarily feel your best, or look quite as fantastic as you did on your wedding day. You’re always tired, the house is never clean, yada yada yada, but you know it as well as I — these are the best days of your life! There will come a day where you will miss the craziness. And sadly, you’ll forget a lot of it too. Pick at least one or two days when your kids are young to document in their entirety, just like your wedding day. Pretty sure you’ll thank me on down the road!

Your album from a full DITL (day-in-the-life) session — just like your wedding album — is a time capsule which will transport you, whenever you wish, to that amazingly crazy day. From the very beginning, to the very end. You will remember the day so vividly, no matter how far out, with such a myriad of details and moments. And I’d gamble that your children and grandchildren will find it equally as enthralling/entertaining as you.

Documenting every little detail of life shouldn’t be reserved for weddings (or celebrities). YOUR every day is worth it too!! I urge you to make your wedding the beginning, not the end of your ‘full day coverage’! #youreverydayisworthit

xo, Anna (914.318.6696 or anna@annaholdenphotography.com)
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