Environmental Portraits

Environmental portraits or authentic portraits, as I like to call them, are my favorite kinds of portraits.

Let me tell you why.

These are portraits without fake backdrops.

They give you a glimpse into the world of the person, a clear idea of who that person is, what makes them tick…

where and who they are in their stage of life, in their natural habit (oftentimes, though not always, your home).

They are so beautiful.



And it’s so important to let the people we love know that we see and value them.

Just exactly as they are.

Make sure you take, and have, environmental portraits of all your favorite people, not just your kids.

And that they are hanging on your walls, framed on your desk/shelves, and in the pages of your family’s photo albums.

These are the portraits that capture a person’s aura. That you look back on with such incredible fondness and oftentimes, a generous helping of laughter as well! 💓

Just a few reminders before I leave you this week: [1] I’m having a giveaway! Subscribe to my blog for a chance to win. This post gives you all the details! [2] I’ve started ‘Idle Pricing’ this year — HALF off sessions from 9am-3pm on school days. Click here to read more! [3] If you’re reading this in an email and can’t see any of the photos, click ‘read on blog’ in the top corner of your email!

That’s all for now! Be on the hunt for environmental portraits of your favorite people! Or reach out if you’d like me to help you with a few! xo, Anna (914.318.6696 OR anna@annaholdenphotography.com)

Discover more from A N N A · H O L D E N ◊ documentary family photographer

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