A Day in the Life of Jennifer & Orus · Marlborough, CT

Capture family traditions, like having the kids help Dad make pancakes, with a documentary family photographer.
7:14 AM: Helping Dad make pancakes for breakfast — a weekly tradition for them.
Documentary family photographers capture precious details, like this little boy, trying to count how many chocolate chip pancakes he wants.
7:15 AM: Dad asked, “how many pancakes do you want?” and then they counted together.
Preserve these moments you'll look back on and laugh at with documentary family photography. Here a dad has captured a toddler who was trying to escape the prospect of a new diaper.
7:41 AM: Fetching a diaper change escapee. Dad got her undressed and she promptly hightailed it to the trampoline behind the couch there.
Documentary family photographers unobtrusively capture tender moments, like this mom kissing her toddler daughter through a sliding glass door.
8:12 AM: Kisses for mom.
Documentary family photographers show the beauty of your relationships, here a young girl, sitting with her dad, has her hand on his knee, as they appear to be in deep conversation.
9:21 AM: Enjoying the first nice day of spring and a little one-on-one with Dad
Documentary family photographers can take family portraits too — REAL, authentic portraits where personalities shine. This is a portrait of a family of six by the river during their hike; one kid has her lovey under her arm and is clutching a magnifying glass, another has muddy arms from falling, a third is sporting his dinosaur sweatshirt, and they ALL are smiling.
10:22 AM: An authentic family portrait taken in the middle of their hike. No picnic blankets or matching outfits here — just a mud-covered toddler, stuffed animal, magnifying glass, and two little boys in hoodies. In other words, a REAL family with REAL kids!!!
Don't forget the beautiful little details; documentary family photographers capture it all, from the big picture, down to the sweetest little details, like this little boy clutching is Daddy's hand as they hit through the woods.
10:32 AM: Holding Dad’s hand on their hike back home.
Document the love between siblings with documentary family photography; in this photo twins are playing together in a field as they wait for their lunch from a local hot dog stand.
11:15 AM: Playing as they waited for their lunch at a local hot dog stand.
Get authentic moments of your kids being kids with a documentary family photographer. Here four siblings are all gathered at a picnic table slurping down sodas (except for one who is pushing the buttons on the lid).
11:17 AM: SODA!!! Sweet, sweet, nectar of soda. I’m totally with the one who’s pushing in all the buttons first!
Don't forget the details. With documentary family photography, even the disgusting little details, like this little girl who has set her ice cream spoon down directly on a nasty old picnic table, are preserved for eternity.
11:48 AM: Lunch was followed by some ice cream. Why do kids do things like this? The other day my 2-year-old was eating a bagel and set it down on the GARAGE FLOOR [gag] to go do something?!
Documentary family photographers capture the FUN!! Can you see it in the way this little girl looks at her mom as she's getting ready to let the swing go with all four of her kids holding on?
12:58 PM: Mom pushed all four kids on the swing for awhile (the littlest is hidden here)…
Documentary family photographers capture the humor of your everyday. Mom was pushing her four kids on a swing, but had to take the littlest in for a nap. Here the second youngest took over and is pushing his older siblings on the swing as his pants are falling down. On the swing, a girl in leggings and a dress is standing while her twin brother is sitting. Mid-swing the bottom of her dress covered half of his face.
1:22 PM: … then she took the littlest in for a nap.
Remember what your days were like with documentary family photography. Here we can see what quiet time looks like for this family of six: mom plays wii on the mini recliners with her two sons, while the daughter has a snack and watches at the kitchen table. Dad is outside on the deck playing guitar and the littlest is napping
2:12 PM: Quiet time. Mom promised the oldest boy that they’d play some Mario Brothers. He was obsessed – talked to me all day about it!
Want to remember what the best days of your life were like? Hire a documentary family photographer! Here a mom sits in a hammock with three of her children (the fourth is standing alongside it), reading stories to them while they munch on Ritz crackers.
4:16 PM: Stories and Ritz crackers outside in the hammock.
Capture the weird things your kids do for posterity with documentary family photography. Here a mother washes her youngest's hair in the bathtub while her oldest, who just got out of the bath, sits behind her with his towel over his head like a ghost.
5:05 PM: Bath time!
Family photojournalists, aka documentary family photographers, capture EMOTION, good or bad. In this photo a young girl has her hand over her face, crying as Mom, with a worried look on her face, attempts to finish combing her hair after a bath.
5:25 PM: My littlest is the same way — doesn’t matter how careful I am or what I use (conditioner, wet-brush…)
Don't miss out - hire a family photojournalist to document the immeasurable LOVE you have for your children. Moms especially, how many of you have pictures like this with your children? Do you have pictures of you hugging and kissing them? Or just pictures of you both smiling for the camera?
6:16 PM: They forgive and forget so easily.
Prove to your kids that you were fun by having a real day documented by a family photojournalist. Do you have pictures of you and your children playing like this Dad and little boy playing with cars on the couch?
6:21 PM: Vroom! Vroom!
Let a documentary family photographer photograph your family and you will both laugh and cry. Promise. They'll capture the love, of course, but also the funny stuff your kids do when you aren't looking, like this toddler who is riding on a hopper ball without pants... or a diaper.
6:24 PM: Riding off into the sunset 😂😂😂.
Want photos of your family, all together, just being yourselves? Why not hire a photographer for a Day in the Life session. You'll get special photos that help you remember your days as a young family... like this family of six, eating dinner together.
6:32 PM: Dinnertime. This was toward the end of dinner, which is why it appears as though they were eating nothing but green beans. Think the pizza was the first to go 🙃.
Just like the fingerprints on the window in this picture of a little girl trying to open the slider with a hopper ball on her one shoulder and a baby tucked under the other arm, you will miss these crazy days when they are gone. Don’t let them slip from your memory, hire a family photojournalist to help you remember.
6:51 PM: Recharged and ready to go back out!
Remember how things were with documentary family photography. In this photo, mom is sticking out her own tongue and her son does the same so she can brush it.
7:07 PM: Mom is a Project Manager by day… and by night (and on the weekends). It was amazing to see her in action! I only have two littles and it takes me what seems like an eternity to brush their teeth… or put on shoes… or eat a bite of dinner. I am still amazed at how they accomplished so much in a day!
Want real pictures of your entire family together? Hire a documentary family photographer to capture authentic family portraits, like this portrait of a family of six reading stories on a futon before bed.
7:18 PM: Bedtime stories.

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