A Day in the Life of Jennifer & Orus · Marlborough, CT
7:14 AM: Helping Dad make pancakes for breakfast — a weekly tradition for them.7:15 AM: Dad asked, “how many pancakes do you want?” and then they counted together.7:41 AM: Fetching a diaper change escapee. Dad got her undressed and she promptly hightailed it to the trampoline behind the couch there.8:12 AM: Kisses for mom.9:21 AM: Enjoying the first nice day of spring and a little one-on-one with Dad10:22 AM: An authentic family portrait taken in the middle of their hike. No picnic blankets or matching outfits here — just a mud-covered toddler, stuffed animal, magnifying glass, and two little boys in hoodies. In other words, a REAL family with REAL kids!!!10:32 AM: Holding Dad’s hand on their hike back home.11:15 AM: Playing as they waited for their lunch at a local hot dog stand.11:17 AM: SODA!!! Sweet, sweet, nectar of soda. I’m totally with the one who’s pushing in all the buttons first!11:48 AM: Lunch was followed by some ice cream. Why do kids do things like this? The other day my 2-year-old was eating a bagel and set it down on the GARAGE FLOOR [gag] to go do something?!12:58 PM: Mom pushed all four kids on the swing for awhile (the littlest is hidden here)…1:22 PM: … then she took the littlest in for a nap.2:12 PM: Quiet time. Mom promised the oldest boy that they’d play some Mario Brothers. He was obsessed – talked to me all day about it!4:16 PM: Stories and Ritz crackers outside in the hammock.5:05 PM: Bath time!5:25 PM: My littlest is the same way — doesn’t matter how careful I am or what I use (conditioner, wet-brush…)6:16 PM: They forgive and forget so easily.6:21 PM: Vroom! Vroom!6:24 PM: Riding off into the sunset 😂😂😂.6:32 PM: Dinnertime. This was toward the end of dinner, which is why it appears as though they were eating nothing but green beans. Think the pizza was the first to go 🙃.6:51 PM: Recharged and ready to go back out!7:07 PM: Mom is a Project Manager by day… and by night (and on the weekends). It was amazing to see her in action! I only have two littles and it takes me what seems like an eternity to brush their teeth… or put on shoes… or eat a bite of dinner. I am still amazed at how they accomplished so much in a day!7:18 PM: Bedtime stories.